[SQL] 取出 MS SQL 預存程式(Stored Procedure) 的文字內容
select distinct b.name, b.xtype, object_name(b.parent_obj) as parent_name from syscomments a, sysobjects b where a.text like '%查詢文字%' and b.id=a.id and b.status>=0 and (b.xtype='P' or b.xtype='TR' or b.xtype='V' or b.xtype='FN') order by b.xtype, object_name(b.parent_obj), b.name
其中在 SysObject 裡
Name ==> 代表物件的名字
Table, Primary Key, Trigger, Procedure, View, Function name
xtype ==> 代表物件的類別
U = Table, PK = Primary Key, TR = trigger, P = procedure, V = view, FN = function
表示 trigger 或 PKey 的 table name